Benefits for Health Care Organizations

Prevent Hospital Admissions

Our technology applies evidence based prescribing criteria which are significantly associated with ADEs.

A study funded by the AHRQ found that patients suffering a severe ADE had an average length of hospital stay of 20 days costing $30,007.  

Prevent Hospital Re-Admissions

Our technology supports comprehensive medication reviews at discharge and transition of care to prevent avoidable ADEs related re-admissions and financial penalties.

In the US, two thirds of post-discharge complications are due to ADEs. According to the AHRQ, there were approximately 3.3 million re-admissions in the United States in 2011 across all payers in the study population.

Optimization of Drug Regimes

The only technology designed to support comprehensive medication reviews and de-prescribing in polypharmacy and multi-morbidity patients, using best practice prescribing guidelines.

Star Ratings

Identify and prevent inappropriate medication use according to AGS Beers Criteria®.

Population Health Management

CSIS Health analytics stratifies patients based on their highest ADE risk and provides recommendations to optimize their drug treatment reduce risk and improve quality of care.


Our technology completes medication reviews for a patient instantly. CSIS Health analytics reporting provides access to all patient reviews completed and prescribing recommendations.

Cost Savings for Health Care Systems

Our medication review solution has proven to support better prescribing decisions resulting in significant cost savings from the reduction of inappropriate medications use and reduction in hospital admissions.

Avoidable Re-Admission Costs


$17.4billion avoidable cost
35 million hospital discharges in 2015
20% re-admissions within 30 days