Our Solution

It is the only software licensed to apply AGS Beers Criteria® and StoppStart® Criteria.

Developed to review medication appropriateness for older patients with multiple morbidities.

It is used by clinicians to support comprehensive medication reviews older patients, in particular, poly-pharmacy patients with multiple conditions.

Using our technology clinicians have reported:

  • A reduction in the number of medications taken by patients which were found to inappropriate
  • A significant number of hospital admissions prevented in their highest risk, high cost patient cohort
  • Better patient adherence to drug regimens due to better understanding of medications and reduction in unnecessary medications

Supporting best practice prescribing and improving patient care


Automatically reviews each patient’s fully electronic medical record for medication appropriateness.

Evidence-based Prescribing

CSIS Health is the only company licenced to electronically apply the international best practice criteria sets; AGS Beers Criteria® and StoppStart® Criteria. Application of both criteria sets together are recommended to support comprehensive medication reviews in older patients.

Patient Safety

Target unnecessary medications in drug regimens of older patients with co-morbidities and reducing the risk of ADEs and related hospital admissions.

Cost Savings

Identify unnecessary prescribing expenses associated with potentially inappropriate prescriptions and predicting Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) leading to hospital admission.

Improving Medication Appropriateness

And tackling polypharmacy associated with multi-morbidity and multiple conditions

Our software is designed to review current medication regimes for patients with multiple conditions, taking multiple medications.

  • Identifies over-prescribing, mis-prescribing (STOPP Criteria, AGS Beers Criteria®)
  • Under-prescribing (START Criteria)
  • Optimizes drug therapy and reduces drug costs and wastage

Older patients tend to be at higher risk for medication-associated complications.

StoppStart Beers Criteria The Worlds First Decision Support Tool for Highlighting Drug to Disease Interactions
StoppStart Beers Criteria The Worlds First Decision Support Tool for Highlighting Drug to Disease Interactions

Health care costs linked to the
number of prescriptions of potentially
inappropriate medications in the
elderly average $7.2 billion a year


28% of hospitalisations of older adults
are due to inappropriate use of medications.